2024 Summer Day Camp at Grace

Registration for our Summer Day Camp is now open! Sign up for a week at a time, or all 6 weeks! 

Ages (Incoming): 4 year old – 6th graders
Cost:  $175 per week, each additional child is $140
Camp Hours:  8:15am – 3:15pm

  • Week 1: June 3-7 | Under the Sea
  • Week 2: June 10-14 | Start the Party! (includes attendance at GCC Summer Blast, K-5th grades only) 9am-12pm
  • Week 3: June 17-21 | Wild & Wacky Animals
  • Week 4: June 24-28 | Imagination Station
  • Week 5: July 8-12 | Spectacular Superhero’s
  • Week 6: July 15-19 | Outstanding Olympics

Contact Camp Director: Kaelin Bursh at kbursh@grace-az.org

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GCA is committed to providing a Biblical worldview for all students, partnering with families to provide an excellent educational experience. 

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